Matrix Short

The truth behind the matrix curse & the lies we've been told…


Here’s the deal: for far too many generations, the matrix lies have cursed the human race. These beliefs have been passed down from generation to generation and have held us hostage to beliefs like we must “work hard for my money,” thanks Tina Turner!

We've listened to parents and grandparents who were doing the best they could with the programming they had. Somewhere along the way, naturally, it became normalized to stay at jobs we hate that suck our life force energy as we continue to consciously suffer, all in the name of keeping our “good benefits” at all costs…. YIKES!

Kinda messed up, right? Well, isn't it about time for that timeline to expire? It’s a new dawn, a new day, a new liiiiiiiife. For me- For you- For all of us!!

In 72 hours, I’ll be going live for the ‘Leave The Matrix Workshop,’ where you will be mentored by me (for free!) and get proof that if it’s possible for me to find my way out of the 9-5 doom and gloom matrix narrative, it’s possible for you too!

I don't have it all figured out in life by any means. However, I have learned a thing or two since leaving the matrix shackles and coaching thousands of souls like you to do the same over the last decade. 

It’s kind of my jam 😊 to guide those who want more out of life and know they came here to do and be more but didn’t know how or where to begin.  

And guess what, with a bit of help from this girl, they found their way out of the matrix spell for good, and I gotta a hunch…that so can you! 

Are you excited yet?! 

So, if this email finds you:

  • In a job that pays the bills but doesn’t light your soul on fire….


  • Not knowing how you would take off the golden handcuffs at your current job, but you can’t help feeling like you’re selling your soul for a paycheck…


  • You’re ready to make your way out of your 9-5 grind and desire to have a mentor who's done it and can help you create a solid exit strategy…

Then you are invited to join me live on Tuesday as I’ll be sharing the honest and raw truth of what it’s going to take for you to be on the path to:

  • Gain clarity on your true calling. - Yes, you are here for more!

  • Discover your passions and unique gifts. - Yep, you got them!

  • Create a roadmap for living a more fulfilling life. - It's so possible!

  • Break free from societal & familial expectations. - It’s about damn time!

  • Feel empowered and inspired to pursue your dreams. - That’s what life’s about!

  • Connect with a supportive community- Yes, there are the people who feel you!

What do you say we uncover what has been sabotaging your clarity and blocking you from waking up every day inspired and on a mission? Hmmmm…

How about next Tuesday? 😃😜


P.S. Have you found out if you got what it takes to leave the Matrix behind? Take my quick quiz and confirm if it’s time to take the red pill… 💊